Whispers from the heart

Ocassional conversations with my heart. Never heart-wrenching and heart-breaking. Always light-hearted and hearty. Ever thankful for your heart-felt support.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Getting into my digital age ....

After surrounding myself with digital clocks and digital watches, this fogey was ready to do what our PM asked us to do - embrace it, enjoy its benefits and manage it.

Yep ... I may be old but I am very resilient and vigilant. I am not afraid to step into my digiatal age.

My digital age is 101000 !!!!

Good gracious, sounds really old. Nonetheless, I should be happy about it, enjoy being 101000 years old and start to manage my old age.



  • At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If it makes you feel any better, your digital age in hex is a very young 28!

    Going digital does have its advantage....sometimes ;)


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