Shocking indeed ...
Like any Singaporean of heartlander origin, I don't have anything intelligent to say about the war. All I know is, this Middle-East crisis is NO PLAY, PLAY. It existed even before I was born. My 'hip and happening' son told me it had started since the biblical times. So, unless I am GOD, I am not going to comment about it.
I can't help when a cynical smile crept up upon me (and all these while, I had problems trying to contribute mine to the 4 million smiles campaign). I mean, don't you think the headline is really quite funny?! MFA was deeply shocked that innocent lives were lost in Lebanon?! Maybe they thought Israel was having an airshow in Lebanon?
Or, those guys in MFA played too many cyber war games. In reality, I would assume there would be innocent lives lost in ANY war. Hey, this is definitely not one of those terrorist drills we have in Singapore.
Nonetheless, such expressions are not uniquely Singapore lah. I have come across many world-class politicians making a fool of themselves in a similar fashion too.
Singapore, war