Whispers from the heart

Ocassional conversations with my heart. Never heart-wrenching and heart-breaking. Always light-hearted and hearty. Ever thankful for your heart-felt support.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The morning after ...

This old fogey is having a massive and splitting headache after spending a night with our PM.

Ok, you can fault me for bad taste and irresponsible behavior but there wasn't any more entertaining alternatives available at the same time slot!

Well, he was entertaining though the plot was somewhat predictable (and he even wore the same red shirt?!). I quite like the silly grin he has which always remind me of the guy on those MAD magazine covers?

To me, he was a tad disappointing but most Singaporeans found him inspiring and assuring in that way, totally himself. It will be too much to have him spotting tattoos and nipple pins.

However, he had the cheek to give a rally speech that lasted longer than an hour and yet forgot to offer any better solution or any groundbreaking wisdom for moving on (except something about mee siam and see hum/ham?). I presumed he was thinking about supper then. Sadly, he made me feel I had worked harder in coming up with some solutions (at least!!!) even though they may be extreme (see my earlier entry posted before his rally).

Nonetheless, it is not nice to pick on your PM especially when you did not pick him to be PM.

Maybe I should also give him some basics to start with ...

1 Try offering some new solutions (hearing the same old solution to the same old problem is boredom unlimited).

2 Since we are into connecting and bonding with each other, try giving us a choice. Like screening a movie blockbuster on another channel during the NDR. I'll even settle for "Snow-white and the 7 dwarfs".

Incidentally (this last bit is R(A) and parental guidance is needed for anyone below 18 and over 80 hor), I began to realise how serious our baby problem was when I saw this.

Lee Kuan Yew
Will stand in 2011.

Oh dear, I really don't think he should 重出江湖 at that age, no matter what pedigree genes he must have.



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